Property Management

In the hospitality industry, a successful property is far more than polished stone and mortar.

Focus helps hotel operations re-establish rock-solid foundations by providing relevant policies, lasting training, routine maintenance plans, effective human resource procedures, and reliable inventory and risk control measures.

Focus provides to properties...

  • unique customized strategic business plans
  • well-focused management systems
  • strong teams of motivated, well-trained individuals
  • beneficial alliances with preferred suppliers and vendors
  • cutting edge information technologies to fortify each property's effectiveness
  • internal quality assurance, accounting and human resource audits

From full-scale castles to modest rook's nests, Focus incorporates the operations and analysis expertise to provide a successful hotel management solution for any property.

Information Technology

Focus provides leading edge computer networking technology and information processing systems to empower its clients' productivity and profitability. As a multi-brand hotel management company, Focus has gone beyond mastering numerous auditing and reporting programs by creating a proprietary software that merges information into a single report which contains sales statistics, revenues and bank deposits for all hotels.

Focus uses Information Technology to privately tie all hotels together to share and transfer information. Having immediate information always available allows our businesses to operate more efficiently across the board.

Information Technology services include...

  • creation and support of a sophisticated private network
  • creation of custom software programs and utilities
  • superior security measures to protect computer networks
  • extensive staff training on use of computers and on Focus software
  • full management of all IT needs
  • shared data and resources where appropriate

Quality Training

In chess, advantages are often achieved through the sacrifice of a pawn. Unfortunately, this happens far too frequently throughout the hospitality industry, where training is often viewed as unaffordable.

At Focus, we firmly believe that great hospitality organizations consist of great people. We know from experience that solid training can develop pawns into knights. Our approach is to select good people and give them the training and tools to excel in their work.

Focus provides...

  • An ongoing recruitment and training program, which allows us to position the most qualified and competent people to staff and operate our hotels.
  • a unique, on-site training facility that ensures consistency throughout the training program
  • extensive training programs that encompass hotel operations, housekeeping, maintenance, human resources, accounting, sales, and computer and property management systems
  • the availability of the entire corporate office staff for continued training and support of all field personnel

Marketing Acumen

The genius of the game is in keeping one eye open for opportunities while keeping the other eye open for threats. The primary goals of Focus' marketing department are to maximize a hotel's revenue potential and to increase occupancy above the level of the area competition. To accomplish these, we tailor specific marketing plans for each unique hotel property.

Focus Marketing services include...

  • conducting comprehensive market analysis to identify a hotel's specific strengths and weaknesses
  • identifying areas of opportunity within each market
  • preparing a highly-detailed marketing plan guaranteed to produce substantial results
  • providing print advertising, brochures, billboards, web site design, and by maintaining a visible presence at trade shows
  • special event planning, and comprehensive public relations coordinating local, regional and national advertising
  • providing extensive sales and marketing training to further ensure our efforts stay on target

Focus Outdoor Advertising

Billboards are the most economical form of advertising in today's market and are seen by thousands of people every day.

Focus Outdoor Advertising uses eye-catching colors and effective copy to make billboards memorable while imprinting company names, images, services and location instantly into the minds of the target audience.

Focus Outdoor Advertising services include...

  • graphic design using the latest technology in computer graphics to compose smart, eye-catching designs which motorists will notice, enjoy and remember
  • full production of sign faces utilizing the latest techniques of hand painting and computer generated designs on "Flex Face" materials
  • dusk to dawn illumination, which employs the latest lighting technology for all Focus signs, assuring that messages will be seen 24 hours a day.

WorkingAccount Processing

Each player's prospects of success change from move to move, influencing their current strategy. To survive, a business must know exactly where it stands financially. In order to thrive, a business must know immediately.

Focus offers high-tech strategic cash management tools that provide instantaneous financial analysis and automated cautions, which generate timely, highly-accurate financial statements.

Focus Enterprises' Account Services include...

  • accounts payable processing
  • calculation and submission of sales taxes
  • bank reconciliations
  • general ledger account reconciliations
  • monitoring and analysis of night audit reports
  • inventory control
  • monitoring direct bill activity
  • internal audits

By monitoring and analyzing account activity via its proprietary software, Focus' Account Services quickly produces accurate financial statements. Focus also offers the support and training necessary for hotel staff to maintain the highest accounting standards in the hotel industry.